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1   /*
2    * JCaptcha, the open source java framework for captcha definition and integration
3    * Copyright (c)  2007 All Rights Reserved.
4    * See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this package.
5    */
7   package com.octo.captcha.service.captchastore;
9   import com.octo.captcha.Captcha;
10  import com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException;
12  import java.util.Collection;
13  import java.util.HashMap;
14  import java.util.Locale;
15  import java.util.Map;
18  /***
19   * Simple store based on a HashMap
20   */
21  public class MapCaptchaStore implements CaptchaStore {
23      Map store;
25      public MapCaptchaStore() {
26 = new HashMap();
27      }
29      /***
30       * Check if a captcha is stored for this id
31       *
32       * @return true if a captcha for this id is stored, false otherwise
33       */
34      public boolean hasCaptcha(String id) {
35          return store.containsKey(id);
36      }
38      /***
39       * Store the captcha with the provided id as key. The key is assumed to be unique, so if the same key is used twice
40       * to store a captcha, the store will return an exception
41       *
42       * @param id      the key
43       * @param captcha the captcha
44       *
45       * @throws CaptchaServiceException if the captcha already exists, or if an error occurs during storing routine.
46       */
47      public void storeCaptcha(String id, Captcha captcha) throws CaptchaServiceException {
48  //        if (store.get(id) != null) {
49  //            throw new CaptchaServiceException("a captcha with this id already exist. This error must " +
50  //                    "not occurs, this is an implementation pb!");
51  //        }
52          store.put(id, new CaptchaAndLocale(captcha));
53      }
55      /***
56       * Store the captcha with the provided id as key. The key is assumed to be unique, so if the same key is used twice
57       * to store a captcha, the store will return an exception
58       *
59       * @param id      the key
60       * @param captcha the captcha
61       * @param locale  the locale used that triggers the captcha generation
62       * @throws com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException
63       *          if the captcha already exists, or if an error occurs during storing routine.
64       */
65      public void storeCaptcha(String id, Captcha captcha, Locale locale) throws CaptchaServiceException {
66          store.put(id, new CaptchaAndLocale(captcha,locale));
67      }
69  	/***
70       * Retrieve the captcha for this key from the store.
71       *
72       * @return the captcha for this id
73       *
74       * @throws CaptchaServiceException if a captcha for this key is not found or if an error occurs during retrieving
75       *                                 routine.
76       */
77      public Captcha getCaptcha(String id) throws CaptchaServiceException {
78          Object captchaAndLocale = store.get(id);
79          return captchaAndLocale!=null?((CaptchaAndLocale) captchaAndLocale).getCaptcha():null;
80      }
82      /***
83       * Retrieve the locale for this key from the store.
84       *
85       * @return the locale for this id, null if not found
86       * @throws com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException
87       *          if an error occurs during retrieving routine.
88       */
89      public Locale getLocale(String id) throws CaptchaServiceException {
90          Object captchaAndLocale = store.get(id);
91          return captchaAndLocale!=null?((CaptchaAndLocale) captchaAndLocale).getLocale():null;
92      }
94      /***
95       * Remove the captcha with the provided id as key.
96       *
97       * @param id the key
98       *
99       * @return true if found, false otherwise
100      *
101      * @throws CaptchaServiceException if an error occurs during remove routine
102      */
103     public boolean removeCaptcha(String id) {
104         if (store.get(id) != null) {
105             store.remove(id);
106             return true;
107         }
108         return false;
109     }
111     /***
112      * get the size of this store
113      */
114     public int getSize() {
115         return store.size();
116     }
118     /***
119      * Return all the contained keys
120      */
121     public Collection getKeys() {
122         return store.keySet();
123     }
125     /***
126      * Empty the store
127      */
128     public void empty() {
129 = new HashMap();
130     }
132     /* (non-Javadoc)
133 	 * @see com.octo.captcha.service.captchastore.CaptchaStore#initAndStart()
134 	 */
135 	public void initAndStart() {
136 		// Nothing to do with map implementations
137 	}
139 	/* (non-Javadoc)
140 	 * @see com.octo.captcha.service.captchastore.CaptchaStore#shutdownAndClean()
141 	 */
142 	public void cleanAndShutdown() {
143 		store.clear();
144 	}
145 }