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1   /*
2    * JCaptcha, the open source java framework for captcha definition and integration
3    * Copyright (c)  2007 All Rights Reserved.
4    * See the LICENSE.txt file distributed with this package.
5    */
7   package com.octo.captcha.image.fisheye;
9   import com.octo.captcha.image.ImageCaptcha;
11  import java.awt.*;
12  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
13  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
15  /***
16   * FishEye is an ImageCaptcha <ul> <li>Challenge type : image</li> <li>Response type : a point position, in pixels from
17   * the bottom left, can be : a String with two numbers separated with a comma or a java.awt.Point</li> <li>Description :
18   * An image of a distorded picture. User have to point the center of the deformation and to submit it.</li> </ul>
19   *
20   * @author <a href="">Marc-Antoine Garrigue</a>
21   * @version 1.0
22   */
23  public class FishEye extends ImageCaptcha {
25      private Point deformationCenter;
26      private Integer tolerance;
28      /***
29       * @param question          the question
30       * @param challenge         the imageChallenge
31       * @param deformationCenter the center of the deformation that has been applied to the image in order to validate
32       *                          the answer
33       * @param tolerance         the max distance to the center of the deformation accepted by the validation routine in
34       *                          pixels.
35       */
36      protected FishEye(String question, BufferedImage challenge,
37                        Point deformationCenter, Integer tolerance) {
38          super(question, challenge);
39          this.deformationCenter = deformationCenter;
40          this.tolerance = tolerance;
41      }
43      /***
44       * Validation routine for the response.
45       *
46       * @param response to the question concerning the chalenge
47       *
48       * @return true if the answer is correct, false otherwise.
49       */
50      public Boolean validateResponse(Object response) {
51          //if a point go
52          if (response instanceof Point) {
53              Point point = (Point) response;
54              return validateResponse(point);
55              //else if string response
56          } else if (response instanceof String) {
57              String s = (String) response;
58              //ty to parse it
59              try {
61                  //String[] coordonates = new String[2];
62                  StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(s, ",");
64                  Point point = new Point(Integer.parseInt(token.nextToken()),
65                          Integer.parseInt(token.nextToken()));
66                  return validateResponse(point);
67              } catch (Throwable e) {
68                  //catch all and return false
69                  return Boolean.FALSE;
70              }
71          } else {
72              return Boolean.FALSE;
73          }
75      }
77      /***
78       * Real validation
79       *
80       * @param point the given point
81       *
82       * @return true if distance from the given point and the deformation center is less than tolerance, false otherwise
83       */
84      private Boolean validateResponse(Point point) {
86          if (point.distance(deformationCenter) <= tolerance.doubleValue()) {
87              return Boolean.TRUE;
88          }
89          return Boolean.FALSE;
91      }
93  }