Uses of Package

Packages that use com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator
com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator This package provides implementations of the WordGenerator interface. a wordGenerator is able to build random words
com.octo.captcha.image.gimpy This package a struture for implementing gimpys
A gimpy is ImageCaptcha with the question "Spell the word". 
com.octo.captcha.sound.gimpy This package a struture for implementing gimpySound
A gimpySound is SoundCaptcha with the question "Spell the word spoken". 
com.octo.captcha.sound.speller This package a struture for implementing spellerSound
A gimpySound is SoundCaptcha with the question "Write the word spelled out". 

Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator used by com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator
          WordGenerator based on a dictionary.
          This interface defines methods to retrieve random words .

Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator used by com.octo.captcha.image.gimpy
          This interface defines methods to retrieve random words .

Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator used by com.octo.captcha.sound.gimpy
          This interface defines methods to retrieve random words .

Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator used by com.octo.captcha.sound.speller
          This interface defines methods to retrieve random words .

Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator used by com.octo.captcha.sound.spellfind
          This interface defines methods to retrieve random words .

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