Classes in com.octo.captcha.component.image.wordtoimage used by com.octo.captcha.component.image.wordtoimage |
Implementation skeleton for the WordToImage component Basically this class implements the imageFromWord method
proceding as folow : Checks the word length Creates an java.text.AttributedString from the
word Apply font to the AttributedString using the abstract method getFont Create an image for the
background using the abstact method getBackround Put the text on the backround using the abstact method
pasteText Return the newly created image This class implements the Template method pattern
from the GOF design patterns. |
Base class for composed WordToImage It extends the AbstractWord to image and uses three others Components :
a FontGenerator to implement the getFont() method a BackgroundGenerator to implement the
getBackround() method a TextParser to implement the pasteText() method
Provides methods to tranform a word to an image. |