The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\glyphsdecorator\ | 102 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\textdecorator\ | 100 |
double circleMaxSize = (double) bounds.getWidth() / 2; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfHolesPerGlyph.intValue(); i++) { double circleSize = circleMaxSize * (1 + myRandom.nextDouble()) / 2; double circlex = bounds.getMinX() + bounds.getWidth() * circleXRatio * myRandom.nextDouble(); double circley = bounds.getMinY() - bounds.getHeight() * circleYRatio * myRandom.nextDouble(); Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double(circlex, circley, circleSize, circleSize); g2.fill(circle); } } g2.setColor(oldColor); g2.setComposite(oldComp); } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\speller\ | 26 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\spellfind\ | 28 |
public class SpellFindCaptchaFactoryTest extends TestCase { public void testSpellerSoundFactory() throws Exception { try { new SpellerSoundFactory(null, null, null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } try { new SpellerSoundFactory(new RandomWordGenerator("a"), null, null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } try { new SpellerSoundFactory(null, new WordToSoundMock(), null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } } public void testGetSoundCaptcha() throws Exception { |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\speller\ | 27 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\speller\ | 26 |
public class SpellerSoundFactoryTest extends TestCase { public void testSpellerSoundFactory() throws Exception { try { new SpellerSoundFactory(null, null, null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } try { new SpellerSoundFactory(new RandomWordGenerator("a"), null, null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } try { new SpellerSoundFactory(null, new WordToSoundMock(), null); fail("Test is not implemented"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\color\ | 38 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\color\ | 56 |
colorGenerator = new RandomRangeColorGenerator(redRange, greenRange, blueRange); // due to the random factor, test is repeated several times for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { Color color = colorGenerator.getNextColor(); assertTrue(color.getRed() >= redRange[0] && color.getRed() <= redRange[1]); assertTrue(color.getGreen() >= greenRange[0] && color.getGreen() <= greenRange[1]); assertTrue(color.getBlue() >= blueRange[0] && color.getBlue() <= blueRange[1]); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\gimpy\ | 85 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\speller\ | 94 |
SoundCaptcha soundCaptcha = new SpellerSound(getQuestion(locale), sound, word); return soundCaptcha; } protected String getQuestion(Locale locale) { return CaptchaQuestionHelper.getQuestion(locale, BUNDLE_QUESTION_KEY); } protected Integer getRandomLength() { Integer wordLength; int range = getWordToSound().getMaxAcceptedWordLength() - getWordToSound().getMinAcceptedWordLength(); int randomRange = range != 0 ? myRandom.nextInt(range + 1) : 0; wordLength = new Integer(randomRange + getWordToSound().getMinAcceptedWordLength()); return wordLength; } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\module\web\image\ | 62 |
com\octo\captcha\module\web\sound\ | 57 |
AudioSystem.write(stream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, wavOutputStream); //AudioSystem.(pAudioInputStream, AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE, pFile); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // log a security warning and return a 404... if (log != null && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn("There was a try from " + theRequest.getRemoteAddr() + " to render an captcha with invalid ID :'" + id + "' or with a too long one"); theResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } } catch (CaptchaServiceException e) { // log and return a 404 instead of an image... if (log != null && log.isWarnEnabled()) { log.warn( "Error trying to generate a captcha and " + "render its challenge as JPEG", e); } theResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\gimpy\ | 24 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\spellfind\ | 23 |
public SpellFindCaptcha(String thequestion, AudioInputStream thechallenge, String theresponse) { super(thequestion, thechallenge); this.response = theresponse; } public Boolean validateResponse(Object theresponse) { if ((theresponse != null) && (theresponse instanceof String)) { return this.validateResponse((String) theresponse); } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } public Boolean validateResponse(String theresponse) { return Boolean.valueOf(this.response.equalsIgnoreCase(theresponse)); } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\gimpy\ | 85 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\spellfind\ | 115 |
SoundCaptcha soundCaptcha = new SpellerSound(getQuestion(locale), sound, response.toString()); return soundCaptcha; } protected String getQuestion(Locale locale) { return CaptchaQuestionHelper.getQuestion(locale, BUNDLE_QUESTION_KEY); } protected Integer getRandomLength() { /*Integer wordLength; int range = maxWords-minWords; int randomRange = range != 0 ? myRandom.nextInt(range + 1) : 0; return randomRange + minWords;*/ Integer wordLength; int range = getWordToSound().getMaxAcceptedWordLength() - getWordToSound().getMinAcceptedWordLength(); int randomRange = range != 0 ? myRandom.nextInt(range + 1) : 0; wordLength = new Integer(randomRange + getWordToSound().getMinAcceptedWordLength()); return wordLength; } /* private class WordAndPosition{ public WordAndPosition(String word, int position) { this.word = word; this.position = position; } String word; int position; } */ } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\service\ | 254 |
com\octo\captcha\service\ | 288 |
getMService().getNumberOfCorrectResponses()); } for (int i = 0; i < CAPTCHA_STORE_LOAD_BEFORE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION; i++) { String id = String.valueOf(i); service.generateAndStoreCaptcha(Locale.getDefault(), id); try { service.validateResponseForID("unknown", "false"); fail("should have thrown an exception"); } catch (CaptchaServiceException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } assertEquals("should not have been incremented", CAPTCHA_STORE_LOAD_BEFORE_GARBAGE_COLLECTION, getMService().getNumberOfCorrectResponses()); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\textdecorator\ | 85 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\textdecorator\ | 75 |
this(numberOfLinesPerGlyph, linesColorGenerator); this.alphaCompositeType = alphaCompositeType != null ? alphaCompositeType.intValue() : this.alphaCompositeType; } public void decorateAttributedString(Graphics2D g2, MutableAttributedString mutableAttributedString) { Color oldColor = g2.getColor(); Composite oldComp = g2.getComposite(); g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(alphaCompositeType)); for (int j = 0; j < mutableAttributedString.length(); j++) { g2.setColor(linesColorGenerator.getNextColor()); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\ | 53 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\ | 47 |
} /** * Pastes the attributed string on the backround image and return the final image. Implementation must take into * account the fact that the text must be readable by human and non by programs * * @return the final image * * @throws com.octo.captcha.CaptchaException * if any exception accurs during paste routine. */ public BufferedImage pasteText(BufferedImage background, AttributedString attributedWord) throws CaptchaException { BufferedImage out = copyBackground(background); Graphics2D g2 = pasteBackgroundAndSetTextColor(out, background); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); // convert string into a series of glyphs we can work with MutableAttributedString mas = new MutableAttributedString(g2, attributedWord, kerning); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\service\image\ | 73 |
com\octo\captcha\service\multitype\ | 149 |
if (ImageCaptcha.class.isAssignableFrom(captchaClass)) { BufferedImage challenge = (BufferedImage) captcha.getChallenge(); BufferedImage clone = new BufferedImage(challenge.getWidth(), challenge.getHeight(), challenge.getType()); clone.getGraphics().drawImage(challenge, 0, 0, clone.getWidth(), clone.getHeight(), null); clone.getGraphics().dispose(); return clone; } else if (SoundCaptcha.class.isAssignableFrom(captchaClass)) { |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\ | 73 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\sound\ | 63 |
return getNextSoundCaptcha(locale); } /** * @return captcha factories used by this engine */ public CaptchaFactory[] getFactories() { return (CaptchaFactory[]) this.factories.toArray(new CaptchaFactory[factories.size()]); } /** * @param factories new captcha factories for this engine */ public void setFactories(CaptchaFactory[] factories) throws CaptchaEngineException { checkNotNullOrEmpty(factories); ArrayList tempFactories = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < factories.length; i++) { if (!SoundCaptchaFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(factories[i].getClass())) { |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\service\image\ | 27 |
com\octo\captcha\service\multitype\ | 48 |
CaptchaEngine captchaEngine, int minGuarantedStorageDelayInSeconds, int maxCaptchaStoreSize, int captchaStoreLoadBeforeGarbageCollection) { super(captchaStore, captchaEngine, minGuarantedStorageDelayInSeconds, maxCaptchaStoreSize, captchaStoreLoadBeforeGarbageCollection); } /** * Method to retrive the image challenge corresponding to the given ticket. * * @param ID the ticket * * @return the challenge * * @throws com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException * if the ticket is invalid */ public BufferedImage getImageChallengeForID(String ID) throws CaptchaServiceException { return (BufferedImage) this.getChallengeForID(ID); } /** * Method to retrive the image challenge corresponding to the given ticket. * * @param ID the ticket * * @return the challenge * * @throws com.octo.captcha.service.CaptchaServiceException * if the ticket is invalid */ public BufferedImage getImageChallengeForID(String ID, Locale locale) throws CaptchaServiceException { return (BufferedImage) this.getChallengeForID(ID, locale); } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 77 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 68 |
new TranslateAllToRandomPointVisitor(20,20) } ); BackgroundGenerator back = new UniColorBackgroundGenerator( 218, 48, new Color(238, 238,238)); FontGenerator shearedFont = new RandomFontGenerator(30, 35, new Font[]{ new Font("Caslon",Font.BOLD, 30) } ,false); SwimFilter swim= new SwimFilter(); swim.setScale(30); swim.setAmount(10); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\color\ | 69 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\color\ | 82 |
int[] redRange = new int[]{-12, 42}; int[] greenRange = new int[]{57, 62}; int[] blueRange = new int[]{10, 12}; try { colorGenerator = new RandomRangeColorGenerator(redRange, greenRange, blueRange); fail(); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } } public void testClosedRange() { |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\word\wordgenerator\ | 47 |
com\octo\captcha\component\word\wordgenerator\ | 64 |
String test = this.dictionaryWordGenerator.getWord(length, Locale.US); assertNotNull(test); assertTrue(test.length() > 0); assertEquals(length.intValue(), test.length()); } try { this.dictionaryWordGenerator.getWord(UNKNOWN_LENGTH); fail("Should throw a CaptchaException"); } catch (CaptchaException e) { assertNotNull(e.getMessage()); } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 52 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 51 |
public class HotmailEngine2008 extends ListImageCaptchaEngine { /** * this method should be implemented as folow : <ul> <li>First construct all the factories you want to initialize * the gimpy with</li> <li>then call the this.addFactoriy method for each factory</li> </ul> */ protected void buildInitialFactories() { //word generator com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator.WordGenerator dictionnaryWords = new RandomWordGenerator("ABCDEGHJKLMNRSTUWXY235689"); //wordtoimage components TextPaster randomPaster = new GlyphsPaster(8, 8, new SingleColorGenerator(new Color(0, 0, 80)) ,new GlyphsVisitors[]{ new OverlapGlyphsUsingShapeVisitor(3), |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 41 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 49 |
public class GmailEngine extends ListImageCaptchaEngine { /** * this method should be implemented as folow : <ul> <li>First construct all the factories you want to initialize * the gimpy with</li> <li>then call the this.addFactoriy method for each factory</li> </ul> */ protected void buildInitialFactories() { //word generator com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator.WordGenerator dictionnaryWords = //new ConstantWordGenerator("gefefi"); new com.octo.captcha.component.word.wordgenerator.ComposeDictionaryWordGenerator( new com.octo.captcha.component.word.FileDictionary( "toddlist")); //wordtoimage components TextPaster randomPaster = new GlyphsPaster(7, 7, |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\fisheye\ | 44 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\gimpy\ | 56 |
com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter rippleBack = new com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter(); com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter ripple = new com.jhlabs.image.RippleFilter(); com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter twirl = new com.jhlabs.image.TwirlFilter(); com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter water = new com.jhlabs.image.WaterFilter(); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\engine\image\ | 93 |
com\octo\captcha\engine\sound\ | 82 |
throw new CaptchaEngineException("This factory is not an sound captcha factory " + factories[i].getClass()); } tempFactories.add(factories[i]); } this.factories = tempFactories; } protected void checkNotNullOrEmpty(CaptchaFactory[] factories) { if (factories == null || factories.length == 0) { throw new CaptchaEngineException("impossible to set null or empty factories"); } } |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\sound\gimpy\ | 57 |
com\octo\captcha\sound\speller\ | 67 |
} public WordToSound getWordToSound() { return this.word2Sound; } public WordGenerator getWordGenerator() { return this.wordGenerator; } /** * @return a Sound Captcha */ public SoundCaptcha getSoundCaptcha() { String word = this.wordGenerator.getWord(getRandomLength(), Locale.getDefault()); AudioInputStream sound = this.word2Sound.getSound(wordDecorator.decorateWord(word)); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\ | 65 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\ | 65 |
final AttributedString attributedString) { BufferedImage out = copyBackground(background); Graphics2D g2 = pasteBackgroundAndSetTextColor(out, background); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_FRACTIONALMETRICS, RenderingHints.VALUE_FRACTIONALMETRICS_ON); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); // this doesn't do anything in JDK 1.4, but maybe it will in JDK 1.5 // attributedString.addAttribute(TextAttribute.WIDTH, TextAttribute.WIDTH_EXTENDED); // convert string into a series of glyphs we can work with MutableAttributedString newAttrString = new MutableAttributedString(g2, |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\wordtoimage\ | 43 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\wordtoimage\ | 46 |
private Integer minAcceptedWordLength = new Integer(1); private Integer maxAcceptedWordLength = new Integer(10); private Integer imageHeight = new Integer(100); private Integer imageWidth = new Integer(100); private Integer minFontSize = new Integer(10); private Integer maxFontSize = new Integer(10); |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\service\ | 71 |
com\octo\captcha\service\ | 106 |
if (! { //if not generate it captcha = generateAndStoreCaptcha(locale, ID); } else { captcha =; if (captcha == null) { captcha = generateAndStoreCaptcha(locale, ID); }else if (locale != null) { |
File | Line |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\glyphsvisitor\ | 79 |
com\octo\captcha\component\image\textpaster\glyphsvisitor\ | 22 |
double tx =gv.getBoundsX(i-1)+gv.getBoundsWidth(i-1)-gv.getBoundsX(i) -Math.abs(gv.getRSB(i-1)) -Math.abs(gv.getLSB(i)) |