CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\AbstractFreeTTSWordToSound.java 219
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\FreeTTSWordToSound.java 167
        AudioInputStream ais = audioPlayer.getAudioInputStream();
        return ais;

     * Implementation of freeTTS AudioPlayer interface, to produce an audioInputStream, this is not a very clean way
     * since it doesn't really play. But it is the only way to get a stream easily
    private class InputStreamAudioPlayer implements AudioPlayer {
        private boolean debug = false;

        private AudioFormat currentFormat = null;

        private byte[] outputData;

        private int curIndex = 0;

        private int totBytes = 0;

        private Vector outputList;

        private AudioInputStream audioInputStream;

         * Constructs a InputStreamAudioPlayer
        public InputStreamAudioPlayer() {
            debug = Utilities.getBoolean("com.sun.speech.freetts.audio.AudioPlayer.debug");
            outputList = new Vector();

         * Sets the audio format for this player
         * @param format the audio format
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the line cannot be opened with the given format
        public synchronized void setAudioFormat(AudioFormat format) {
            currentFormat = format;

         * Gets the audio format for this player
         * @return format the audio format
        public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() {
            return currentFormat;

         * Pauses audio output
        public void pause() {

         * Resumes audio output
        public synchronized void resume() {

         * Cancels currently playing audio
        public synchronized void cancel() {

         * Prepares for another batch of output. Larger groups of output (such as all output associated with a single
         * FreeTTSSpeakable) should be grouped between a reset/drain pair.
        public synchronized void reset() {

         * Starts the first sample timer
        public void startFirstSampleTimer() {

         * Closes this audio player
        public synchronized void close() {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                System.err.println("Problem while closing the audioInputSteam");


        public AudioInputStream getAudioInputStream() {
            InputStream tInputStream = new SequenceInputStream(outputList.elements());
            AudioInputStream tAudioInputStream = new AudioInputStream(tInputStream, currentFormat,
                    totBytes / currentFormat.getFrameSize());

            return tAudioInputStream;

         * Returns the current volume.
         * @return the current volume (between 0 and 1)
        public float getVolume() {
            return 1.0f;

         * Sets the current volume.
         * @param volume the current volume (between 0 and 1)
        public void setVolume(float volume) {

         * Starts the output of a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be grouped between begin/end
         * pairs.
         * @param size the size of data between now and the end
        public void begin(int size) {
            outputData = new byte[size];
            curIndex = 0;

         * Marks the end of a set of data. Audio data for a single utterance should be groupd between begin/end pairs.
         * @return true if the audio was output properly, false if the output was cancelled or interrupted.
        public boolean end() {
            outputList.add(new ByteArrayInputStream(outputData));
            totBytes += outputData.length;
            return true;

         * Waits for all queued audio to be played
         * @return true if the audio played to completion, false if the audio was stopped
        public boolean drain() {
            return true;

         * Gets the amount of played since the last mark
         * @return the amount of audio in milliseconds
        public synchronized long getTime() {
            return -1L;

         * Resets the audio clock
        public synchronized void resetTime() {

         * Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
         * @param audioData audio data to write to the device
         * @return <code>true</code> of the write completed successfully, <code> false </code> if the write was
         *         cancelled.
        public boolean write(byte[] audioData) {
            return write(audioData, 0, audioData.length);

         * Writes the given bytes to the audio stream
         * @param bytes  audio data to write to the device
         * @param offset the offset into the buffer
         * @param size   the size into the buffer
         * @return <code>true</code> of the write completed successfully, <code> false </code> if the write was
         *         cancelled.
        public boolean write(byte[] bytes, int offset, int size) {
            System.arraycopy(bytes, offset, outputData, curIndex, size);
            curIndex += size;
            return true;

File Line
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\FreeTTSWordToSoundTest.java 41
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\SpellingFreeTTSWordToSoundTest.java 42
    public SpellingFreeTTSWordToSoundTest(String name) {

    public void setUp() {
        this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound = new FreeTTSWordToSound(new FreeTTSSoundConfigurator(voiceName, voicePackage, 1.0f, 100, 100), 3, 6);


    public void testConfiguration() {

    public void testGetMaxAcceptedWordLength() {
        assertEquals(this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound.getMaxAcceptedWordLength(), 6);

    public void testGetMinAcceptedWordLength() {
        assertEquals(this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound.getMinAcceptedWordLength(), 3);

File Line
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\CleanFreeTTSWordToSoundTest.java 46
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\FreeTTSWordToSoundTest.java 46
        this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound = new FreeTTSWordToSound(new FreeTTSSoundConfigurator(voiceName, voicePackage, 1.0f, 100, 100), 3, 6);


    public void testConfiguration() {

    public void testGetMaxAcceptedWordLength() {
        assertEquals(this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound.getMaxAcceptedWordLength(), 6);

    public void testGetMinAcceptedWordLength() {
        assertEquals(this.cleanFreeTTSwordToSound.getMinAcceptedWordLength(), 3);

File Line
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\AbstractFreeTTSWordToSound.java 189
com\octo\captcha\component\sound\wordtosound\FreeTTSWordToSound.java 130

     * Configue the voice with the SoundConfigurator
    private void configureVoice(Voice voice) {

     * Main method for this service Return an image with the specified. Synchronisation is very important, for multi
     * threading execution
     * @param sentence Written sentece to transform into speech
     * @return the generated sound
     * @throws com.octo.captcha.CaptchaException
     *          if word is invalid or an exception occurs during the sound generation
    public synchronized AudioInputStream stringToSound(String sentence) throws CaptchaException {
        //use the custom (see inner class) InputStreamAudioPlayer, which provide interface to
        // Audio Stream
        InputStreamAudioPlayer audioPlayer = new InputStreamAudioPlayer();


        // Allocates the resources for the voice.